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Really simple encryption

So I had to delve into SMS character sets and encoding a little bit for work and stumbled on this article. This got me thinking a little about reduced character sets. What if you had restrictions around which characters could be sent over a network channel? This got me remembering the days when "non-printable characters" were a pain (actually, they still are). You'd think you were printing a sane message only to receive a series of beeps and strange characters. That's what happens when you try to print non-printable characters. It would be simple enough to simply reject characters outside of a range. What if you did not want to do that? What of you also wanted to carry out a primitive encryption algorithm on your string too?

A few lines of Python code later...

Yes, it's all very possible. So what I came up with is a simple algorithm to encrypt characters in a certain range to a certain range. That range was chosen arbitrarily to be 32 to 126. Well it's not quite arbitrary. 32 is the ASCII character code for SPACE. The first character we're interested in and it conveniently skips over those nasty non-printable characters. 126 is the last but one character in the ASCII table, which is a 7-bit character set. 127 is the last character but that is assigned to the special character DEL. We can do without that one.

So, here is the encryption algorithm with some Python code by way of example.

NOTE: It's important to point out that this is in no way meant to be any kind of secure encryption algorithm - it's just a curious little bit of code really.

The strings

There are three components here:

  1. The plain text message to be encrypted.
  2. The key used in the encryption algorithm.
  3. The encrypted text message.

In each of the above cases the only acceptable characters are ASCII 32 through to and including ASCII 126.

The algorithm

The encryption algorithm works in the following way:

  1. Take the first character from the plain text message.
  2. Take the first character of the key.
  3. Add these character values.
  4. If the result is greater than 126 then subtract 95. If the result is still greater than 126 then keep subtracting 95 until the result is less than or equal to 126.
  5. The result is the first character in the encrypted message.
  6. Proceed to the next character in the message and the next character in the key.
  7. If the key has no more characters but input message remains then return to the first character in the key.
  8. Repeat until all characters in the plain text input message have been encrypted.

The decryption algorithm is the reverse of this process. It only works if you are completely symmetrical in how you deal with the characters.

Example code

# Python 3
# *****  NOTE: works with BYTE strings ONLY ***** 
import sys

DEBUG = False

k = b"PythonRocks"
m = b"This message is a little bit more secure than usual."

def reduce (c):

    while c > 126:
        c = c - 95
    return c

def expand (c):

    while c < 32:
        c = c + 95
    return c

def encrypt (k, m):

    es = b"" # es = encrypted byte string 
    kl = len(k) # Length of key byte string
    i = 0 # index into key byte string
    for c in m:
        # Encrypt char
        e = c + k[i]
        e = reduce (e)
        if DEBUG == True:
            print ("k is `%c` e is `%c` %d" % (k[i], e, e))
        es = es + e.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')
        # Reset key index if required
        i = i + 1
        if i > (kl - 1):
            i = 0

    return es

def decrypt (k, m):

    ds = b"" # ds = decrypted string
    kl = len(k) # Length of key string
    i = 0 # index into key string
    for c in m:
        # decrypt char
        e = c - k[i] # subtract for decrypt 
        e = expand(e)
        ds = ds + e.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')
        # Reset key index if required
        i = i + 1
        if i > (kl - 1):
            i = 0

    return ds

if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)):
    print ("Python version 3 and above only - join the future!!")

em = encrypt(k, m)
print (em)

dm = decrypt (k, em)
print (dm)

Notes on the code

You'll notice the code above is for Python 3. I did also write a Python 2 version and you use things like ord() and chr() to deal with turning ASCII characters into their corresponding numbers and vice versa. The main difference between Python 2 and Python 3 in this respect is, as you may know, Python 3 stores strings internally as UCS-4 Unicode codepoints. When you are reading and writing data from files and communications channels, which might be UTF-8 multi-byte encoded or similar, you need to make sure you encode and decode appropriately. For example if the content of a file is UTF-8 you need to decode that with a UTF-8 decoder when reading into Python. If you are writing data in Python out to a UTF-8 encoded file you must use the UTF-8 encoder.

So, in short, Python 3 stores strings internally as Unicode codepoints, Python 2 does not. The above code has to take this into account.

Next steps

I've not quite finished with this. I will be revisiting this in a future blog post. First, I want to put input messages and keys in files, so they can be bulk encrypted. That should be an interesting challenge as out in the real world things are often UTF-8 encoded in files. How will we deal with that? I'm also pretty sure I did not address the whole question of character sets and encodings very well in this article, and am assuming a certain level of familiarity on your part, but I think I will write something hopefully a bit clearer on this subject in the future. I also got interested in Base64 encoding while doing some research for this article, so expect something on that soon too.
