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Real-time systems - Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is a big subject and I can't hope to cover all aspects of it in this article. I shall mostly cover some thoughts on the "edge of network" as it's known - the area of the IoT that connects directly into the real world.

TCP/IP requirement

Many of the solutions to IoT I've seen proposed recommend a full TCP/IP stack enabled device at the edge-of-network. This is not without its issues - the most significant being cost. With regards a TCP/IP-enabled device you are thinking of a device such as the Raspberry Pi, which while relatively cheap (compared to a laptop) is expensive when you consider a large number of end points. While a Raspberry Pi is a cost effective solution for, say, a one off water level monitoring solution, it would not be suitable if you have a system monitoring 1000 points along a canal or river - at least not without driving up cost considerably.

OS requirement

A TCP/IP stack also implies a supporting operating system. This need not be a full-blown OS such as Linux, but could be a smaller OS such as FreeRTOS or uCOS. Still, these systems also have more than minimal requirements in terms of memory and CPU. For the edge-of-network then a simple polling or interrupt-driven solution is fine in many cases, without the need for a full-blown RTOS executive.

Small data packets

Many IoT monitoring applications require infrequent and small amounts of data at the edge-of-network.

In the case of one thousand monitoring points along a river, measuring water levels, the change in river level is not likely to be fast or significant, so we can further reduce data requirements by encoding only the difference between readings. The real-time requirements in many IoT monitoring applications are not stringent. Readings every five minutes would be fine in this application.

The data from a level sensor or temperature sensor is a few bytes. If you receive, say, 4 bytes of data every five minutes throughout a 24-hour period you are looking at (without compression) 1152 bytes of data or just over 1K. This amount of data lends itself nicely to transmission over radio telemetry, phone line, packet radio, or mobile phone network. Further, the data packets are often not critical, so simple parity-based error checking is sufficient - packets where the parity check fails can simply be discarded - no retransmission is required.

Edge-of-network devices

Edge-of-network devices would typically be something similar to an Arduino device. It would have a data acquisition program written in C and use simple polling techniques. Battery life could almost certainly be improved by using a interrupt-driven rather than polling solution. In both cases (polling/interrupts) you lose some determinism that might be granted by an RTOS executive, but this is not critical in many applications.

Intermediate nodes

The edge-of-network devices would periodically send data to intermediate nodes, which would be more sophisticated devices containing a full TCP/IP stack. This would typically be an industrial computer or perhaps a device of a similar capacity to a Raspberry Pi. Their job is to concentrate time-stamped data from a multitude of edge-of-network devices. Data could then be transferred to a web server via some of the techniques already looked at (web sockets for example).

Back end

Eventually all data ends up on what I am loosely referring to as a "web server". At this point the data involved could be large. Imagine for example a system that monitors the levels of all rivers in the country, or concentrates data from 1000 weather stations scattered across the country. Real-time data collected from custom telemetry boxes, and perhaps other data feeds to provide context - flightradar24.com is an excellent example of this. This quantity of data requires number-crunching to interpret it. These "back ends" fall outside the scope of this article though.

Real-time control

In some applications real-time control is required at edge-of-network. For example, a milling machine, robot arm or temperature controller may have relatively tight real-time requirements. The only solution in these cases is to have local intelligence to perform the control - network lag is not something you can tolerate when you are trying to control a robot arm!

Tiered approach

The IoT is a large area of application. There is a full-spectrum of real-time requirements from minimal (simple monitoring) to hard (robot control). In many cases though, the requirements for edge-of-network devices is much less than is usually considered. Rather than reaching for Raspberry Pi and a TCP/IP stack, it may be much more cost effective to consider a tiered system with very low cost edge-of-network devices such as Arduino or MicroBit type devices that forward data to much more capable nodes for data concentration and transmission over TCP/IP networks. This tiered approach has the affect of reducing cost and hardware/software requirements and expertise considerably.


The secret to reducing cost in IoT solutions is to use a tiered approach. Rather than using TCP/IP-enabled devices throughout the solution, much more minimal devices are used at edge-of-network, but these devices forward data to much more capable, and fully TCP/IP-enabled computers. These in turn forward data to larger servers for number crunching and interpretation.