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Python keyword parameters

In a previous article I looked at a use case where Python keyword parameters could be quite useful. This was in building the payload for a JWT. If you remember, I built the payload at the time using the following code snippet:

payload = {
    'application_id': application_id,
    'iat': int(time.time()),
    'jti': str(uuid4()),

As I also mentioned in that article, some of the components of the payload were mandatory, and some were optional. It would be nice to have a function where the mandatory items are added into the payload, and then optional items are then added to the payload if specified.

I will look at one way to do this. Note this is only one way, and there are probably better ways, but the idea of this article is to introduce the concept of keyword parameters in Python, and also look at how to handle optional parameters.

In the above snippet the application_id is going to have to be passed in as a mandatory parameter, as we don't know what ID will be passed in when the function is called. The caller will need to provide this value.

The application_id item, being mandatory to build the payload, makes for an ideal named keyword parameter.

The iat and jti claims are also mandatory in our use case, but we can easily generate those inside the function. They don't need to be passed in.

Further, there may be optional parameters. For example exp is an optional claim. user is also optional, although it was not used in my previous use case. acl is yet another optional claim. These could all be handled as optional parameters, as you will see.

One thing, exp is a little bit special, because it requires us to do some processing as a convenience for the caller. We are going to assume that the user passes in the time before the JWT expires in seconds. So for example, if they want the JWT to last 24 hours, the maximum, they will pass in 24 60 60. However, because exp is actually the Unix timestamp of the expiry point, we would need to do some additional hokey pokey. We would of course need to be clear to the user of the function that we provide this convenience for them. I've added this functionality inside the function because it shows another nice little use case where you need to process optional parameters.

So, let's take a look at some working code:

import time
from uuid import uuid4

def build_payload (application_id,  **kwargs):

    payload = {}
    payload['application_id'] = application_id
    payload['iat'] = int(time.time())
    payload['jti'] = str(uuid4())

    if "exp" in kwargs:
        payload['exp'] = int(time.time()) + kwargs.pop('exp')

    for k in kwargs:
        payload[k] = kwargs[k]

    return payload

print(build_payload("123", exp=24*60*60))
print(build_payload(application_id="123", exp=24*60*60))
print(build_payload(application_id="123", exp=24*60*60, user="tony"))

Looking at the function definition, there's nothing special you need to do regarding a keyword parameter, it looks the same as a normal positional parameter. However, when you call the function you can specify a name. This makes the nature of the parameter very specific. For example, in the first two example calls I treat application_id as a positional parameter - the name is not specified. However, in the subsequent two example calls I do specify the name - this makes what's going on very explicit. Also, if I do not specify an application_id parameter I will get an error, which is good because that is a mandatory item. As a general rule of thumb it's good to be explicit in your code where possible.

We can also see that the other two mandatory items, iat and jti are taken care of for us. No further comment is required on that.

Now, how to deal with optional parameters? This is where **kwargs comes in, these are optional keyword paramters, and you can have any number of them at this point.

The kwargs is really just a Python dictionary with the ** as a little syntactic sugar. This makes it easy to work with. In the function I grab exp if it's present, and work out the correct Unix timestamp. If no exp parameter is passed in that's no problem as the JWT will have a default expiry of fifteen minutes anyway. Once I've calculated the correct value for exp in the payload I pop it out of the kwargs dictionary as I don't need it any more. This won't affect other optional parameters.

In the final example call the user optional keyword parameter is passed in. That is just added to the payload without further ado, although you could add in error handling and so on. I have not included any of that in the interests of clarity.

If any more optional keyword parameters, such as acl were provided, they would also be added to the payload.

Default values

One thing I didn't show in the above eample is that keyword parameters can have default values specified in the function definition. For example:

def myfunc(amount=3*4, user="tony"):
    print(amount, tony)


Although no parameters are specifed in the function call, this would actually print 12, tony as the default parameter values specified in the function definition would be used, if not specified in the function call.

So, that just about wraps things up for this piece. Hope you found that useful.


This article has taken a quick look at Python keyword (named) parameters and optional keyword parameters. I also took a quick look at default parameters which can be very useful.