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An introduction to Ngrok

Ngrok is one of those things that I really can't understand how I never heard of until recently.

This post is not going to be a deep dive into Ngrok. The docs on the Ngrok site give you all the gristly details, so there's no need to replicate that here. I just wanted to give Ngrok a mention and explain a little about what it does and how incredibly useful it is proving to be.

So here's the scenario. You are working on a little web app on your development machine. You are using a service like Nexmo, Twilio, or SendGrid. Those services will typically interact with your web app by calling back on webhook URLs to let you know what's going on. For example, with Nexmo, the events webhook is used by the Nexmo service to callback on, delivering information about the current call state, letting you know a call has been answered.

But the problem is if your web app is running on your local machine, say on localhost:9000, the external service can't reach you as your web app is not exposed to the public Internet. Your web app will therefore not work as if it had been deployed to the public Internet. Ngrok to the rescue!

What Ngrok does is create a secure tunnel between the public Internet and your web app running locally on your machine. Your local app then appears to work as if it were deployed to the public Internet.

Let's say you are running your web app on localhost:9000. After you've launched Ngrok:

$ ngrok http 9000

Ngrok will provide a mapping from public URLs to your local web app:

Web Interface
Forwarding     http://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:9000
Forwarding     https://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:9000

I've excluded some unnecessary information in the above output.

There are a couple of things to notice here. Note that both HTTP and HTTPS are forwarded to your app. Notice also there is a web interface provided. Just launch a web browser tab and navigate to localhost port 4040 and you will see a lot of very useful information. Rather than explain the information there, it's best to just see for yourself. This feature is great for debugging, such as double-checking the responses of API calls are what the docs say they are!

In the above you'll see the free version of Ngrok will generate slightly strange looking URLs - 92832de0 in this case. Although not a problem for local testing and playing about you can change this wth a paid plan (about $5 a month). With a paid plan you can use sub-domains. So you'd be able to do something like:

$ ngrok http -subdomain=mangosauce 9000

There are many other useful features of Ngrok that are explained in the documentation.

So, what are the downsides? The main one is in exposing your web app to the public machine you are in effect raising the possibility that an external entity i.e. hacker, could in theory access your machine. Web apps can be hacked, and if that web app happens to be running on your local machine that can be a cause for concern. I make sure I fire up Ngrok only for testing, and I don't leave the Ngrok tunnel running any longer than I need to.

My previous approach to developing my little web apps was to deploy them to my Ubuntu server running on Digital Ocean. I usually keep a Digital Ocean Droplet up and running for various bits and pieces of testing work. It is quite useful to have your own Unix box connected to the public Internet. Still, with Ngrok, I expect I will be using the server a little less often than usual.