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The Doom Zone Memory Manager

So Fabien Sanglard's Game Engine Black Book - Doom edition - dropped through the letter box yesterday, making a sound like the space marine's double-barrelled shotgun going off, just about 25 years after the original Doom was uploaded.

On first inspection the quality of the book blew me away. Syntax coloured code snippets, colour diagrams, photos, trivia, detailed tech explanations - wonderful stuff and I'm sure this book will keep me engrossed over the Xmas period. One section I already read though was the brief section on Doom's Zone Memory Manager.

One question that I'd always wondered about - what were these mysterious zones? Looking at the code there is only ever one zone - main zone. So, why zone memory allocator?

Fabien says in the book that the intention originally was to support multiple zones, but with the introduction of DOS 4GW, the Watcom DOS extender, the 32-bit flat model became available.

This suggests perhaps that originally Doom was targeting machines that had a segregated memory map - with DOS, upper memory, extended memory, expanded memory and all that nonsense that made the original Wolf 3D source code such a nightmare to work with. Personally I think this is unlikely. I think the more likely explanation is to do with memory fragmentation.

One of the problems in games is that memory allocations come in all shapes, sizes and durations. Some are small allocations in the range less than 1k, other allocations may be tens or hundreds of K in size. Some allocations are brief and quickly freed, some are static for the duration of the game. So frequency and lifetime of allocations can be varied.

All this leads to fragmentation of the memory map, where your map ends up looking like Swiss cheese. One solution is to use something like the original Wolfenstein's compacting allocator, where memory is moved around to create a big contiguous free memory space. Another solution is to use buffer pools where allocations of fixed size can be made, thus reducing the chance of a failed allocation due to fragmentation.

The idea behind a Zone memory allocator is that you have Zones where memory allocations of a particular size are made. For example, you could have a Zone where allocations less than 1K are made. You could have another zone for allocations from 8K to 32K. You could have another Zone where allocations greater than 100k are made and so on. The actual zones would depend on the nature of the app, in this case the game.

The idea behind this is by keeping allocations of approximately the same size in the same zone you reduce fragmentation, compared to the case where you have a single zone where you have lots of tiny allocations (for say a texture) and big allocations for level data, sound effects and music etc. When the small allocations are freed up you end up with lots of little gaps in your map, meaning the chances of finding a contiguous free space of a sufficient size for a larger allocation reduces.

In the end Doom did not use this approach, but I think that may have been the original intention. Probably what was found was that on profiling the game the single zone was sufficient, or they simply ran out of time to add in the support for multiple zones.

One strong piece of evidence in favour of this idea was from Carmack himself, who stated in a Doom code comment "the only stuff that might have been useful for Quake". If you look at the memory manager in Quake 1 you can see that the memory was split into "zones" for different purposes. You can see that Doom's Zone Memory Manager code was reused in Quake, but it serves only to provide allocations for small dynamic allocations e.g. temporary strings. In effect the Zone memory manager ended up being used to manage the "zone" for small allocations, which is somewhat ironic.

Doom's skies and backdrops

A minor digression at this point. Those backdrops in Doom such as the mountain views and skies and city skylines have always fascinated me. Fabien reveals in his book where those images actually came from - I was really surprised!

The book is full of gems like this and I have only scanned through it. I'm sure many more Doom secrets will be revealed when I read things in more detail!


In summary Doom's Zone Memory Manager has always fascinated me, and it was interesting to read Fabien's description of it. The Game Engine Black Book - Doom is an absolutely fantastic resource, if you have any interest in game technology, or the history of Doom it is a Must Buy.
